Design Philosophy
Achille Castiglioni, teacher during the university, said that a project must start from the observation of behaviors and get to have an identifying characteristic that defined “main component of the project”.
Today design can and must be increasingly focused on the needs of the user, “human centered design” which, also thanks to the use of recent methods such as design thinking performed with the contribution of creative thinking techniques of lateral thinking, can lead to original and innovative solutions, truly oriented towards solving problems. First of all sustainability, which in a product is played for eighty-five percent right during design phase.
Added to this is the ability to operate using “agile design” techniques, managing small and highly interdisciplinary, dynamic and proactive work teams.
Key words are therefore responsibility, but also flexibility, awareness, collaboration, multidisciplinarity and … fun.

A chat about food and design
The brand new blog magazine "il quinto quarto" opens the "Assaggi" column with an interview with Marcello Ziliani who talks about the Audrey cutlery collection designed for Pinti 1929 and talks about it in a pleasant chat with the journalist Carola Fiora.

07/05/2020 / Design Lifestyle
The project? A hope of flight

29/04/2020 / Matrix 4 Design
Covid Emergency
Tips and tricks: easy, immediate and achievable solutions for everyone to solve the small problems that we face daily in the time of Coronavirus.
25/01/2020 / Giornale di Brescia
Beauty and style to conquer made in Brescia living

22/11/2019 / Alf DaFrè Videointerview
B-Side Videointerview
Marcello Ziliani speaks about Shift designed for Alf DaFrè
2019 / Cieloterra, lo spazio del design
I'll explain you why we designers are so attached to the chair

25/07/2018 / Designboom
Shift & Alf DaFrè
Marcello Ziliani and Alf DaFrè collaborate for the first time creating the "shift" collection consisting of a chair, a lounge armchair and a footrest. Marcello illustrates the delicate deconstruction of the relationship between the frame, seat and backrest, defining each element with a distinct identity
24/04/2018 / Elle Decor
A chair must have a beautiful B side

11/04/2017 / Pedrali Videointerview
Snooze Videointerview
Marcello Ziliani speaks about Snooze properties, sound absorption panel designed for Pedrali
10/04/2017 / Wever & Ducrè Videointerview
Rever Collection Videointerview
Marcello Ziliani talks about Rever, a collection of lamps designed for Wever & Ducrè, during Euroluce 2017.